Every Ten Years...

by Don Monson


A.   "______, O Lord: to keep us this day without sin."
(Book of Common Prayer)

B.   Nunavut native

C.   Flatten, in Falmouth

D.   It is formed from the collapsed remnant of a massive
supernova; 2 wds

E.   Endlessly; 3 wds

F.   Yet to be marketed; 2 wds

G.   He had a big "Tootsie" role

H.   Tangled up

I.   Reconsideration

J.   Gave a tenth

K.   Pertaining to the peepers

L.   Canon competitor

M.   "Now hear ____!"

N.   Tea type

O.   Gung-ho

P.   Musical with a Twist

Q.   Rubber - bumpers link (in an old tongue twister);
2 wds

R.   "Magic bullet" developer

S.   Characters from Twain`s "Life on the Mississippi"

T.   Influence

U.   Late NY Yankees catcher Thurman ____.

V.   Baseball bobbles

W.   Be a benefactor

X.   Having an edge

Y.   "In the ____": Elvis hit

Z.   Ducks

AA.   Get to go straight?

AB.   Alternative to first-past-the-post; 2 wds

AC.   Confused

AD.   Makeshift

AE.   Medicinal shrub

AF.   Disable

AG.   Ristorante herb

AH.   Yak, yak, yak

AI.   Calvinist, for one

AJ.   Punishment from a wet noodle?

AK.   Restaurant owner of song

AL.   Marina sight