Shaw-let #8: Rich or poor?

by John Kiernan


A.   To prize more

B.   Salamander

"I am ----- functional" (Data, Star Trek: New Generation)

D.   The year F shot Billy the Kid (2 words, 1 hyphen.)

E.   Mimic; more crazy

F.   See D (Full name)

G.   Palo ----

H.   Its team`s mascot is a goat

I.   "and I will ----- in the house of the Lord for ever."
(23rd Psalm)

J.   Scrubbing sponge

K.   With annoyance

L.   French car

M.   Scrip

N.   "A Whole --" (Shawn Colvin album and song, 2 words)

O.   1989 film for which Denzel Washington won an Academy