From Where to Eternity?

by John Kiernan

    - -  

A.   2003 `Project Greenlight` film (4 words, with `The`)

B.   "Essays in Radical --" (William James)

C.   County on Long Island

D.   Medicine delivery method

E.   "-- speaks" (2 words, Macbeth)

F.   Oscar awarded to the author of this quote (4 words)

G.   Ground-dwelling (as, for example, bugs)

H.   Aznavour song made famous in the U.S. by Roy Clark
(5 words)

I.   Reverse, in relation to obverse (2 words)

J.   Condition of vegetables often found in health food
stores (hyph.)

K.   "-- Spenders" (Billy Joel song, 5 words)

L.   Where you can find Lenny and George (4 words)

M.   Mobster`s daughter and author (Full name)

N.   Base found in the high desert (3 words)

O.   Medicinal herb/drink that got its name from the
Spanish for the thorny vines of its plant

P.   "-- Contentment" (Emily Dickinson poem, 2 words)

Q.   "-- Heart" (Poe story, 2 words, 1 hyph.)

R.   Great female writer from Mississippi (Full name)

S.   Hope/Crosby film in which the author can be seen
(3 words, with `The`)

T.   Type of skin cream

U.   Group to which the author belonged (4 words)

V.   Civil War general and author of `Ben Hur` (Full name)

W.   She played Margo Channing (Full nane)

X.   Happening

Y.   State with the highest per capita income (2 words)

Z.   One of Ball State`s most famous graduates (Full name)

AA.   "The Mohican is --, and leaps far" (J.F. Cooper,
3 words)