In God We Trust

by John Kiernan

"         " "  
      " "         "
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A.   Eleanor of Aquitaine`s most famous son (3 words,
with hyphen)

B.   Classic Christmas carol (5 words)

C.   1958 James Stewart/Kim Novak film (4 words)

D.   Famous Remington sculpture (4 words)

E.   Religion born on the island of Jamaica

F.   Type of Maserati

G.   Classic baseball film and play (4 words)

H.   John F. Kennedy`s secretary (Full name)

I.   One who believes nothing has any meaning or value

J.   Classic Ian Fleming book (4 words)

K.   Somewhat hypochondriac

L.   George Harrison album (5 words)

M.   TV sitcom about a sports writer (3 words)

N.   Classic Kaufman/Hart play (6 words)

O.   Without sustenance (3 words)

P.   Crewel is an example of it

Q.   Places you can catch some WiFi (2 words)

R.   Inspiring

S.   Dickens novel (2 words)

T.   1975 film about Jewish immigrants in New York in
the 1890s (2 words)

U.   Hunter S. Thompson`s screed about politics (7 words)

V.   Concerning the state of solitude

W.   1986 Connery film (4 words, with `The`)

X.   He who determines your taxes

Y.   "-- said the Little Red Hen" (2 words)

Z.   The father of man

AA.   On a regular basis

AB.   Mar a baseball