Movie Quote: Baltimore Ravin`

by John Kiernan


A.   Reminiscent

B.   City at the confluence of the White and Blue Niles

C.   Ex-Senator Baker

D.   What Dr. Atkins fought

E.   What many think North Korea is (2 words)

F.   It can be deadly

G.   HBO film about silicone implants (2 words)

H.   Oscar winning actress (`Bonnie and Clyde`, Full name)

I.   He said "Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference,
which is an elegant name for ignorance."

J.   It`s power, according to some

K.   "He -- with the most" (3 words)

L.   It had a famous sheriff

M.   The Okie from Muskogee

N.   One of Elizabeth II`s Prime Ministers (Full name)

O.   French film auteur (`A Nous La Liberte`, Full name)

P.   Sister city of Corinth, site of the Sanctuarty of

Q.   "-- Built" (Yankee Stadium, 4 words)

R.   When they`re down, things are bad (2 words)

S.   Classic elocution exercise (4 words)

T.   Miss Prissy`s son, -- Junior

U.   Nixon`s Alma Mater (2 words)

V.   Song made famous by Patsy Kline (4 words)

W.   Home of Watchung and Lake Hopatcong (2 words)

X.   Major player in the Watergate drama (2 words)