Television Quote: What`s Left in Washington?

by John Kiernan

Okay, a few are stretches, but it`s a long quote!

    -     -  

A.   Where the Black Hawk went Down (City, country)

B.   With deliberate purpose

C.   The key to understanding Egyptian hieroglyphics
(2 words)

D.   Painting prominent in `The Da Vinci Code` (3 words)

E.   "The weather --, Pouring rain and peels of thunder."
(`The Weather`, Mason Porter, 3 words)

F.   Carribean location used by the Beatles in `Help!`
(City, Country)

G.   Fancy name for a garbageman (2 words)

H.   Infamous Beatles song (2 words)

I.   "Governments must guarantee that women can -- rights
and fundamental liberties." (EU Charter, 2 words)

J.   Brainwave printout

K.   "Bill -- Guy" (PBS series, 3 words)

L.   Film that made the star of the quote`s TV series
famous (2 words)

M.   A person who does not do this Biblical phrase doesn`t
tolerate stupidity in others (II Corinthians, 3 words)

N.   Film and novel written by the author of Word W (4

O.   Cynic`s view of salad (2 words)

P.   Companies that specialize in these include Bay`s
and Thomas` (2 words)

Q.   "-- the ship, Yet she sail`d softly too" (`Rime
of the Ancient Mariner`, Wordsworth, 3 words)

R.   "That guy --" (Has lots of scratch, 4 words)

S.   Radio personality this quote was originally directed
toward (3 words)

T.   Financial expert`s ratio (i.e.: `Chances for deflation
-- 1 in 10,000`, 2 words)

U.   "-- present" (Why not do it right now?, 4 words)

V.   Mining town now a tourist ski haven (City and state)

W.   Film where the central character`s last words are
"What have I done?" (5 words)

X.   "Elian`s mother didn`t flee Cuba in -- because she
was seeking freedom." (`Cuba Confidential`, 3 words)

Y.   Subject of a 2004 sweep (4 words)

Z.   Final resting place tourist attraction in Jerusalem
(3 words)

AA.   Early Maryland settlement (1684) that sounds like
it ought to be on the Thames (2 words)

AB.   Leave to celebrate the Jewish day of rest (3 words)

AC.   Thomas Hardy novel (4 words)

AD.   "Let me live `neath your spell. Do do --" (Cole
Porter, "You Do Something to Me", 7 words)

AE.   Composer of religious songs

AF.   "I’m my own worst -- let me get me." (Pink song,
2 words)

AG.   Saunter mentioned in the 23rd Psalm (4 words)

AH.   At the 1976 Montreal Olympics, Princess Anne was
a member of English group

AI.   Biblical password mentioned in an episode of this
TV series

AJ.   Object of the Boston Tea Party protest (3 words)

AK.   "And --" (continuation of Word AN lyrics, 4 words)

AL.   "It became clear to me that I am dealing with the
devil, even -- black." (Adrian Louis, `Auntie Angie`, 4 words)

AM.   Ice Cream cone with chocolate and nuts on top (2

AN.   "And we`ll never be lonely anymore, because we`re
--" (Phil Spector song by the Dixies et al, 4 words)