
by John Kiernan


A.   A frequent criterion for awarding a contract (2

B.   Rare earth mineral found in lunar rocks and color
TV tubes

C.   "Truth be known, -- is unsinkable." (Thomas Andrews,
2 words)

D.   A degree

E.   Smoothly

F.   Ordinal number found in a Shakespeare title

G.   Darren Aronofsky film (2000) that got Ellen Bursytn
an Oscar nomination (4 words)

H.   Country whose capital is Abu Dhabi (Full name)

I.   Her day is February 29th (Full name)

J.   A track and field event

K.   Vaudeville comedian born Edward Iskowitz (Full name)

L.   Official recognition

M.   Long time Kentucky basketball coach (Full name)

N.   Early "Tonight Show" bandleader, conductor of the
N.Y. Pops (Full name)

O.   Play by Richard Sheridan (3 words, with `A`)

P.   The most famous protege of Tom Pendergast (Full
name and MI)

Q.   A phrase uttered when spying something strange (3

R.   1970 Streisand/George Segal comedy (4 words, with

S.   Health fear of many men (2 words)

T.   Rizzuto`s position

U.   Assent

V.   Medallion-covered sight at Super Bowl XXXVIII

W.   Given name of actor Schultz who appeared on `The
A-Team` and `Star Trek: TNG`

X.   Amputate (colloq., 2 words)

Y.   Small type spacers

Z.   A Lenten day (2 words)

AA.   A Sabrett salesman

AB.   "It was the -- of belief..." (Dickens, `Tale of
Two Cities`)

AC.   "-- of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."
(Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, 3 words)