AM Static

by John Kiernan

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        " `

A.   Scene of an Agatha Christie murder (2 words)

B.   Jim Carrey role

C.   These words can precede `track` or `path` (3 words)

D.   60s cartoon hero; Not the favorite

E.   Irish actor who last appeared as a wizard (Full name)

F.   Japanese film director

G.   Clothing concern that has branched out into SUV
design (2 words)

H.   Kind of museum exemplified by L.A.`s Peterson Museum

I.   American film star who started as a WWI orphan and
died at age 14 (Full name)

J.   Famous stranded man (Full name)

K.   Desperate financial condition

L.   Her hits include "Tell Me Something Good" (Full name)

M.   Scrubbing sponge

N.   Favorite item at a Chinese restaurant (3 words)

One who believes very strongly in particular principles

P.   Moody Blues song (4 words)

Q.   "-- Her Lover" (1989 British satire starring Helen
Mirren, 7 words)

R.   Ado

First name of the author of "The Man Without a Country"

T.   Where Answer L might perform

U.   Bellowed

V.   Grueling; toilsome

W.   What the prosecution often attempts to show in a
murder trial (2 words)

X.   Scene that has been oft-litigated in U.S. courts

Y.   Richard Henry Dana`s seafaring epic (5 words)

Z.   Artistic style; dialect

AA.   Actuating

AB.   "Far from the --" (Thomas Hardy novel, 2 words)

AC.   "-- go!" ("See you later!") (2 words)

AD.   African country, home of the Hottentot language

AE.   Considered carefully (2 words)

AF.   Archaic word, most often associated with a specific
Dickens character

AG.   Specific description of Kobe or Shaq, as of early
2004 (3 words)

AH.   A Japanese prefecture, univeristy and U.S. skating