A Jewel of Galena

by John Kiernan


A.   Prynne-ted novel (2 words, with "The")

B.   Nobel Prize-winning African-American author (Full

C.   Film biography of John Merrick (2 words, with "The")

D.   Apparition

E.   Home of the Baha`i Faith

F.   Magazine geared toward African-American women

G.   The opposite of zenith

H.   Slower than andante, faster than largo

I.   Oddball, freak

J.   Woody Allen film of 1971

K.   What Easter celebrates

L.   Hit the backstop

M.   Description of a dive

N.   The overhanging edge of a roof

O.   The Beatles` last hit single (5 words)

P.   Detached loo

Q.   First name of the author of the play that opened
in London in 1952 and is still playing

R.   Delirium at a Catholic rite? (2 words)

S.   Brainiac

T.   A type of DNA sequencing

U.   "For -- Release"

V.   "Distant and soft on her ear fell the -- from the
belfry of Christ Church" ("Evangeline", Longfellow)

W.   Movie that prominently featured Wolfman Jack (2