Coffee break crostic #5: Put It on the Line!

by John Kiernan

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A.   `Good morning` in this language is `Bonan tagon`

B.   Boasting

C.   Unemotional (3 words)

D.   Jesse Owens, Bruce Jenner and Pete Rose

E.   Word that is often found in the official name of
a union

F.   What the `Wizard of Oz` wanted people think he was

G.   Great knowledge of a subject

H.   Where you can find shells stacked

I.   TV`s Bradford family thought eight was the number
for this condition

J.   Induced

K.   It can come before Rider or Ridder

L.   Rent to --

M.   New Hampshire`s second largest city

N.   Throng

O.   The study of eggs

P.   Still aflame

Q.   Nickname of George W. Bush`s Secretary of Defense

R.   Swear

S.   Range

T.   Mrs. Peel