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by John Kiernan

"   -      

A.   Famed Notre Dame coach (Full name)

B.   Fluid surrounding an embryo in mammals

C.   England`s most noted monk (2 words, with "The")

D.   It can be Dutch

E.   Mr. Gwinnett

F.   Bath woman

G.   Theory of 1905

H.   Latter day "La Boheme"

I.   Dennis Connor and Ted Turner are examples

J.   Arm position, further than akimbo

K.   It makes up most of Israel

L.   Capital of Bangladesh (var.)

M.   Rock goup that sung of today`s Tom Sawyer

N.   Oleaginous, smarmy

O.   Black comedy (2 words)

P.   Optional foot pedal

Q.   Where Quisling died

R.   Long running PBS series

S.   Stables (usually with living quarters)

T.   Shell

U.   Decays

V.   Pot

W.   Proponent of a particular line of thought

X.   Main killer in Herculeaneum

Y.   Play about the Tyrone family (5 words)

Z.   George Carlin opined about this subject

AA.   Suave leading man of the 30s-40s (Full name)

AB.   Reddish brown

AC.   Consequence; branch

AD.   Where parents sometimes threaten to send disobedient
children (2 words)

AE.   It starts "East Side, West Side, all around the
town." (5 words)

AF.   Supreme

AG.   A removed person

AH.   Their motto was "we only kill our own" (2 words)

AI.   Arrogant

AJ.   Made an unsupported intellectual leap

AK.   Expensive nut

AL.   Progeny

AM.   Best Actress Oscar winner of 2004 (Full name)

AN.   Beguile

AO.   Teddy`s type of Rider

AP.   Lessen the intensity

AQ.   Bug (2 words)

AR.   Answers.com has an online version