Coffee Break Crostic #10: Maybe it`s a Warm Puppy?

by John Kiernan


A.   The Good Witch

B.   "The --" (John Jakes novel)

C.   The great -- masses

D.   Will, to Grace

E.   It comes before Hampshire and York

F.   Showing sound judgment and keen perception

G.   He made an impression on Berlin

H.   Nibble

I.   It removes strokes

J.   Sap sucker

K.   Lowdown, skinny

L.   It`s done to bills and resumes

M.   Old time antiseptic

N.   Mr. Webster

O.   Pertaining to the portion of the digestive canal
between the pharynx and stomach

P.   Songwriting partner of Jule Styne and Jimmy Van
Heusen (Full name)

Q.   Dive, plunge