Coffee Break Crostic #13: Me Too!

by John Kiernan


A.   You hear it before "streaming" at almost every baseball

B.   "For he himself has said it, And it`s greatly to
his credit. That he is an -- "

C.   German nuclear physicist who identified fission
(Full name)

D.   After Mark or before Little

E.   There used to be West and East versions, but now
there`s just one

F.   Educe, evoke

G.   Pushy

H.   Following the existing ordinances

I.   Star Wars bad guys

J.   Due, outstanding

K.   A Blue one is a cheap wine

L.   Name known to those in electronics and puzzle solving

M.   A small stunted ear of corn

N.   Battle, film title, or area at a State Fair

O.   It can be In or Out on mailing lists

P.   Irving`s Hotel (2 words)

Q.   Kookie

The road outside Fenway Park is named for this ex-owner