Above Us All!

by John Kiernan

  `       -      

A.   A type of wrestling (Hyphen.)

B.   Disappearing murder weapon

C.   House of the Red Rose

D.   A drunken festivity

E.   Fitness, qualification

F.   Cope with adversity by being flexible (4 words)

G.   Film where the hero freezes to death

H.   Mr. Finch

I.   Senatorial negative

J.   Theoretical megastructure to be built around a sun
(2 words)

K.   Alum stick

L.   Comprehension, discernment

M.   A lifestyle that includes the finest things (3 words,
with "The")

N.   Film that starts with the death of the hero in a
motorcycle accident (3 words)

O.   Robed figure from 1995

P.   Capital of Malta

Q.   Hollywood group that gives Lifetime Achievement

R.   Prying

S.   Proteus and Valentine (4 words)

T.   Member of the 1960s counterculture

U.   Colonel Lilly

V.   Peter Weir film of 2003 (3 words)

W.   Rubbing alcohol

X.   Small citrus fruit

Y.   Deep chasm

Z.   The act of dwindling

AA.   Armand Hammer`s organization (2 words)