She`s Gonna Blow!

by John Kiernan

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A.   U.S. submarine whose surviving crew was rescued
from the ocean floor (with "U.S.S.")

B.   The main character of "Paper Moon" (Full name)

C.   A type of high

D.   The "A" in PSA

E.   Island and China`s smallest province

F.   The killing of pests

G.   Decorative

H.   First name of the runner-up for President in 1940

I.   He made "To Be or Not To Be" (Full name)

J.   -- Tunes

K.   Where the followers of the Dalai Lama think he should

L.   Creative talent

M.   Filch

N.   Blow

O.   Lack of smoothness or regularity

P.   Cheapskate

Q.   Poet whose first name was Algernon

R.   "-- Blue Dolphins" (1964 film, 3 words)

S.   Will Scarlet`s stomping grounds

T.   -- Postale

U.   Song that starts "My analyst told me, that I was
going right out of my head...."

V.   Loose, indecent

W.   It has a higher pitch than a bassoon

X.   Clamorous

Y.   Aircraft company that made the Corsair

Z.   Author of "Who`s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"

AA.   Convincing, persuasive

AB.   Nick Nolte film; Sarah McLachlan CD

AC.   Murdered Dutch filmmaker Van Gogh

AD.   "My Own Private -- " (1991 film)

AE.   The "O" in SLO

AF.   A type of lingerie