Politicians, Take Heed!

by John Kiernan


A.   A Czarina (3 words)

B.   In a manner showing a lack of interest or concern

C.   Dexter Gordon song and film (2 words)

D.   Bonding thin sheets together

E.   Canadian province

F.   Short story with the phrase "For the love of God,
Montresor!" (4 words)

G.   Jerusalem Garden

H.   Natural attraction or feeling of kinship

I.   Bottle count (2 words)

J.   Barren

K.   Sugary suffix

L.   Deepest lake in Scotland

M.   Song that continues "-- and I forget to do, the
little ordinary things that everyone ought to do." (4 words, with "The")

N.   Formation

O.   Naiads and nereids were sub-categories of this female

P.   Element that used to house an Apple

Q.   It gets a body moving

R.   Guy who had eyes for Mom

S.   Mr. Detroit

T.   1949 film in which Alec Guinness played eight parts
(4 words)

U.   Beginning of Caesar`s last sentence, according to
Will (2 words)

V.   Broadway musical based on a daily newspaper feature
(6 words)

W.   You get it from coal tar

X.   Description of Eric Idle`s character on the cross
in "Life of Brian"

Y.   She got pecked by Birds

Z.   Book of the Bible that says "For every thing, there
is a season"

AA.   "On -- Sunday" (1969 motorcycle documentary)

AB.   Movement through it is called peristalsis (2 words)

AC.   Break the spell

AD.   Time of custodial oversight (var.)

AE.   Ann Landers` nickname

AF.   He portrayed Benny Goodman (Full name)

AG.   State where "The Big Chill" and "The Great Santini"
were filmed (2 words)