Flower Power!

by John Kiernan


A.   Literary precursor to "Lost" (3 words)

B.   Heedful

C.   A yeshiva is this type of school

D.   Detestation, loathing

E.   Her only novel was well received (full name)

F.   The quality of being vindictive

G.   The original "Mr. Freeze" (full name)

H.   First three words of an important U.S. document

I.   Where you used to find Dem Bums

J.   A type of node

K.   Latter day tights

L.   It`s between Spain and France

M.   Of unusually high quality

N.   Lilliputian writer

O.   This person would say "Is He or isn`t He?"

P.   Billy Bob`s breakout film (2 words)

Q.   Classic song recorded by Bill Haley, Fats Domino,
and J.L. Lewis; L.A. at various times? (4 words)

R.   This precedes "Your Sales" or "Your Vocabulary"
in the "How-To" section

S.   Eat like a squirrel

T.   This can follow food, sex, and even Internet

U.   Author of "Sister Carrie" (full name)

V.   Like a bad nail

W.   Like a pupa

X.   Beak

Y.   Perform experimental surgery on live animals

Z.   Try

AA.   Hitting the ball from just off the green

AB.   Final disposition of some loved ones

AC.   Marked with graffiti

AD.   Like many celebrities in the midst of scandal?

AE.   Like some tackles

AF.   Where you`d find Fredonia and Batavia (2 words)