Itchy finger

by John Kiernan

`   "      
  " - "                            

A.   Shining or lustrous; brilliant

B.   Shock companion

C.   "___ of the Saints" (Paul Simon CD)

D.   Very skilled; proficient

E.   Walpole, Downs or Grant

F.   Humbert Humbert`s creator (full name)

G.   Physicist who studied with Word I (full name)

H.   "The Evergreen State"

I.   New Zealand-born physicist who worked at Manchester
University (full name)

J.   Duck! (2 words)

K.   Made the varsity

L.   Father Brown`s father

M.   Choose

N.   Sail closer into the wind

O.   Go acoustic

P.   Pseudo-horse

Q.   Napped (With Word V)

R.   1997 Tim Robbins film (3 words)

S.   His work followed that of Word G and Word I and
culminated in the H-Bomb (full name)

T.   A type of bass

U.   Word for a small sailing vessel that probably derived
from a Norwegian word

V.   See Word Q

W.   Tussle

X.   Texan who wrote "Ship of Fools" (full name)

Y.   Holly Golightly`s creator (full name)

Z.   Unfailing

AA.   Relating to the study of numbers

AB.   The study and comparison of human cultures

AC.   What happens to the government if you run out of CRs