Candidate-a-tron 5000

by John Kiernan


A.   Vest

B.   Deafening

C.   Mystery`s partner in a Poe title

D.   In a thoroughly planned fashion

E.   You can be sentenced to death for this in some Islamic

F.   In game notation, it`s the `E` of `E4`, for example

G.   Like some hedged positions (2 words)

H.   `She said the man in the ___ suit was a spy` (`America`,
Simon and Garfunkel)

I.   It`s the biggest, more than 425 times larger in
land mass than ...

J.   ... the smallest (2 words)

K.   In a cheap and inferior manner

L.   Indefatigable

M.   Scottish town known for a breed of draft horse

N.   Sail into the wind

O.   Paul wrote an epistle to them

P.   Blue, paradoxically (hyph.)

Q.   First name of Branden, Bowditch and Gorham

R.   Street associated with Natalie Wood in a film (hyph.)

S.   Psychological condition that might cause one to
bump into furniture (2 words)

T.   Inform, educate

U.   The type of bed under the railroad tracks; a logic
type that includes relevant and linear logic

V.   First word of a trip vehicle?

W.   What you`ll meet, coming through the rye (2 words)

X.   It`s associated with the fibula

Y.   English benefactor who never saw the U.S. school
that bears his name (full name)

Z.   The sixth book of a famous series, but the first
film of that series (2 words)

AA.   Edible hibiscus

AB.   Jazz classic in a 5/4 signature (2 words)

AC.   What can sometimes be heard before a couple of `bangs`
(2 words)

AD.   Clumsy

AE.   Island purchased by Peter Minuit

AF.   Famous beach

AG.   Hypothetical substance whose existence Michelson
and Morley disproved

AH.   Brooklyn-born artist who died of an overdose at 27

AI.   `Laughter is the __ between two people` (Victor
Borge, 2 words)

AJ.   The `I` in the IRT

AK.   Horse-drawn sled

AL.   To a high degree