Part 1: Separate, But Equal

by John Kiernan


A.   Mr. Simpson`s exclamation

B.   Robert Palmer hit (3 words)

C.   Pacific island group that was of major importance
during WWII (2 words)

D.   Ordinate`s partner

E.   Oxford`s location

F.   Golden Calf action

G.   Guff

H.   Hudson or Monterey

I.   Pennsylvania`s third most populous city

J.   Bill or Louis

K.   Resort town in the only monosyllabic U.S. state

L.   With Word M, a type of stocking

M.   See Word L

N.   Tokyo, formerly

O.   A Chief Justice (full name)

P.   Carney

Q.   Tennessee Williams play and film (3 words)

R.   It usually conflicts with dogma

S.   Althing`s home

T.   Voice vote option

U.   Botanist who spent 47 years at Tuskegee University
(full name)

V.   "Fame is the ____ of youth" (Lord Byron)

W.   Aggrieve

X.   Where Hamlet wanted Ophelia to go

Y.   It often uses an auto-dialer

Z.   The U.S. military`s name for the V-22 tilt rotor

AA.   David Bowie song and album (2 words)

AB.   It was noisy under the floorboards (3 words, 1 hyph.)