Show Me the Money!

by John Kiernan


A.   Burgess novel that coined the phrase "ultraviolence"
(3 words)

B.   It can sometimes be bitter

C.   To shape timber without finishing

D.   Smelly

E.   He went into the Matrix

F.   1994 prison film (2 words, with "The")

G.   Tiny strigiform

H.   Tom Petty hit

I.   Show respect for the Emperor

J.   The study of the anatomical structure of fishes

K.   "The Metamorphosis" and "Animal Farm" are examples

L.   Bad relationship carryover

M.   Most have three movements, this only has two (2

N.   The longest-running television show in American
broadcasting history (3 words)

O.   Film auteur of the 1940s (full name)

P.   Annelid

Q.   Variety show

R.   _____ Hepatica

S.   Member of an order that follows the Rule of St.
Benedict (2 words)

T.   Where one is disconnected from the everyday world
(2 words)

U.   Where you`d find Milo Minderbinder (2 words, 1 hyph.)

V.   Pol Pot`s pals (2 words)

W.   Lennox`s duo

X.   Incident of property assessment (3 words)

Y.   Reese, Herman or Football (2 words)

Z.   John Irving novel (5 words)

AA.   "_________, or What You Will" (2 words)

AB.   Disorderly or noisy behaviour

AC.   Excessively devoted or adoring

AD.   Stoop cause

AE.   A twin

AF.   Estimate a value between two known values.

AG.   Tracy-Hepburn-Capra classic (4 words)

AH.   With calculated deliberateness