There`s the whole goose/gander thing...

by John Kiernan

    . .      

A.   North American nation of 300,000 residents (var.)

B.   Race that starts on the first Saturday in March

C.   K.C. player

D.   Long, Morris or Mandel

E.   47th U.S. state

F.   Small to medium-sized arboreal parrot, found mostly
in Australasia

G.   A one-named singer, or a subset of word I

H.   Crisco (e.g.)

I.   Accra resident

J.   Canadian city and river

K.   Landed

L.   Simple songs

M.   "How ______ a thing it is to look into happiness
through another man`s eyes. " (Shakespeare)

N.   Pottery

O.   One to whom payment is sent

P.   Truffle producer

Q.   Northern Roman outpost

R.   Where you`d find Serpent Mound (and 70 other mounds)

S.   Children`s game

T.   Heedful

U.   Irving`s Hotel (2 words)

V.   Forsytes` creator

W.   Oscar nominated actor ("Training Day") (full name)

X.   Pennsylvania valley

Y.   Tasmanian actor (full name)

Z.   Killer bee (B?) movie (1978, with "The")

AA.   John Ford classic (2 words)

AB.   Antiviral agent that can, in some cases, fight tumors

AC.   Enroll in college

AD.   She counted ringy-dingies

AE.   Fictional prison