Not for the Squeamish

by Judy Long

,   "      
  . "      
    .   " , "    
.   " ? "                              

A.   Butt of many jokes (hyph)

B.   Smart`s sidekick (two words, one hyph.)

C.   Childhood song/game (four words)

D.   Ray Charles hit (three words)

E.   Gag

F.   All-powerful

G.   Computer program

H.   Mr. Twist (two words)

I.   Coincidence

J.   "___ Conquer" (Oliver Goldsmith play) (three words)

K.   __ Rex

L.   Five Satins song (six words)

M.   Patted down

N.   "Once more, with ___"

O.   Sylvester`s nemesis (two words)

P.   Treating

Q.   Charles Darwin book (seven words, with "The")

R.   Scrambled

S.   Shoshonean

T.   Stole

U.   Details

V.   "Zinc ___," topical cream

W.   Brownish pigment

X.   Start of anti-maternal rhyme? (four words)

Y.   "Lord`s Prayer" injunction (five words)

Z.   Heard but not retained? (seven words)

AA.   "The Lord of the Rings" actor (two words)

AB.   Accompanied

AC.   Support

AD.   American playwright Clifford

AE.   Outdoor magazine (three words)

AF.   Newest

AG.   Consumed

AH.   Lea

AI.   Acceptance

AJ.   Norman Mailer classic (four words, with "The")

AK.   Jack London book (four words, with "The")

AL.   Affirm

AM.   Farragut`s famous cry (six words)

AN.   Bob Seeger tune (three words)

AO.   Monk`s pledge? (three words)

AP.   Aquaphiles` actress? (two words)

AQ.   "___, Sugar is sweet, ..." (six words)

AR.   Fluctuating rate (two words)