Buss Interruptus

by Judy Long

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A.   Comic strip couple (five words)

B.   Government by the few

C.   British tic-tac-toe (three words, or one hyph.)

D.   American comedy cult film (five words)

E.   Jettisoned something, perhaps (three words)

F.   Clearly characterized

G.   Previews

H.   Form of equity (two words)

I.   Burnt oblations

J.   American Folk song opener (var.) (six words)

K.   Another line from J (var.) (six words)

L.   With the program (two words)

M.   Hackman flick (three words)

N.   "I am woman ..." continuation (nine words)

O.   Fingernails on a blackboard, whining, etc.

P.   Writer Daniel

Q.   "Herb ___" (American musical group) (five words)

R.   Dean classic (four words)

S.   Romped (four words)

T.   Gorse, furze, etc.

U.   Asks

V.   Sense of threat (four words)

W.   Casey Jones et al.

X.   Christmas classic (two words)

Y.   More misty

Z.   Sugarloaf song (two words, one hyph.)

AA.   Hollow enclosures (two words)

AB.   Proboscides

AC.   Twain work (two words, with "The")

AD.   Notable tomb occupant (two words)

AE.   Swimming au naturel