Kitchen Crew

by Judy Miller


A.   Like many Disney characters

B.   English muffin selling point (3)

C.   Alerts (2)

D.   Embroidery shop stock

E.   Oklahoma rhapsody (5)

F.   Green Giant offering

G.   1963 Loren/Mastroianni enactment of three short
stories (4)

H.   Crook carrier (2)

I.   Woods Hole focus

J.   "Very ___ things we neglect, till they become old
and ___ enough to be put in Museums." (Samuel Butler)

K.   Certain cops

L.   1970 film with the tagline: "I, Tina Balser . .
. did not do my chores today" (5)

M.   Sometime result of surgery or medication

N.   Proteins produced in response to infections

O.   Lowest

P.   Ruby and Sandra

Q.   One of the nine charges brought against Martha Stewart

R.   Public health, safety, and environmental protection
agency created in 1975 (3)

S.   When purple colored curtains mark the end of day (2)

T.   Sensory ability in bats and toothed whales

U.   Connections

V.   Mr. Owl became their mascot in 1970 (3)

W.   Wharton specialty (2)

X.   In force

Y.   Clancy Brothers favorite (2)

Z.   Sally Rand cover-up (2)

AA.   Educator named chancellor of the D.C. public school
system in 2007

AB.   With rapturous delight

AC.   Striped bass, e.g.

AD.   Geometry term

AE.   Certain ones are limited to 45 seconds (2)

AF.   Brooded (on)

AG.   Chitlins

AH.   Nicholas to Francis

AI.   Susan to Dwight (hyph)

AJ.   "It`s impossible to guess" (3)

AK.   Cleans up at the Savoy

AL.   Prophet during the reign of Hezekiah

AM.   Verboten (2, 1 hyph)