
by Judy Miller


A.   Neurological diagnostic record

B.   Treatment for Pityriasis capitis (2)

C.   Having influencial friends (hyph)

D.   Citation part

E.   Followed up a misdeal

F.   Tarp (2)

G.   What the Scarecrow tried to describe when he learned
he had a brain (2)

H.   Sunflower cultivated for its tuber (2)

I.   Large tree-dweller

J.   Indifference

K.   Almanack adage (14)

L.   Scheduled landing

M.   Scolding (hyph)

N.   Certain soother

O.   Feature of nine U.S. states

P.   Role played by Orson Welles, George C. Scott, Timothy
Dalton, and William Hurt (2)

Q.   Regina`s home

R.   1973 Grammy Song of the Year (sung by Roberta Flack)

S.   Focus of drive-time updates (3)

T.   Home of Canary Spring (2)

U.   Aerial

V.   Like some jeans

W.   Sandbar

X.   1984 crime film starring Robert De Niro and James
Woods (6)

Y.   Superfluous

Z.   Granola go-with

AA.   Words from Mister Rogers (7)

AB.   Part of the East Midlands

AC.   Take care of (2)

AD.   One of the Fireside Poets

AE.   Way to get from here up to there (2)

AF.   Affirm

AG.   Straightened out

AH.   Dvorak symphony, in brief (2)

AI.   What you hope will never happen (2)

AJ.   With AQ, 1961 Hank Williams lyrics inducted into
the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2001 (6)

AK.   Pheromone, e.g.

AL.   James Brown adjective

AM.   Immature

AN.   Hollywood Walk of Famer and Golden Boot Awardee Scott

AO.   Minister of Foreign Affairs under Gorbachev

AP.   Got nothing (3, 1 hyph)

AQ.   See AJ (7)

AR.   Bettered Bill Clinton?

AS.   Brought up the rear (2)

AT.   Serve (2)

AU.   Gunned

AV.   Venus, at times (2)

AW.   Breed of P`s dog, Pilot