Life Is What You`re Used To--1

by Judy Miller


A.   Credit Union offering (3)

B.   Maple and cherry, e.g.

C.   "Awesome!"

D.   Kicks off

E.   Some hurry-up mergers (2)

F.   Pang

G.   Munitions

H.   Coming after

I.   Careworn

J.   "Sweet" music band leader and pianist of the 1930s
and 1940s (2)

K.   Impulsive

L.   Lancelot et al. (5)

M.   Quickly (5)

N.   See AL (2)

O.   Subject of the Geneva Protocol, 1925 (2)

P.   Recant

Q.   Triglycerides, e.g.

R.   Stevedores

S.   Precautionary measure

T.   Absorbing

U.   Hypothesis

V.   Member of a priestly Jewish sect

W.   Author of "And the Walls Came Tumbling Down: An
Autobiography," 1989

X.   De Carlo of "The Munsters"

Y.   Nursery school supply (2)

Z.   Jack Haley prop, 1939

AA.   Did better at Jeopardy, maybe

AB.   Film starring Alec Guiness x 8 (4)

AC.   Stifling

AD.   Cobbler`s supply

AE.   Longitudinally

AF.   Trifle ingredient

AG.   Letters on a stamp of approval

AH.   Members of NYC Local 147

AI.   Wolfram

AJ.   Fame

AK.   2006 Canadian film starring Julie Christie as an
Alzheimer`s patient (3)

AL.   N`s best-known play, subtitled "Scenes from Russian
Life" (3)

AM.   Canada`s "Festival City"

AN.   Exemption