Fish and Chips

by Judy Miller


A.   Contrived

B.   Forster novel called "Lucy" in early drafts (5)

C.   One on a list of ten for federal employees (2)

D.   Pie slices, usually

E.   Compound pulley (3)

F.   Hercule`s creator

G.   Chastened

H.   Robert Sellers` "Hellraisers": Burton, Harris, O`Toole,
and ___

I.   Eastern terminus of Adventure Cycling`s TransAmerica
Trail (2)

J.   Occupant of the Harry S Truman Building (2)

K.   Vile

L.   J`s business (2)

M.   Laudable

N.   MTA offering

O.   Comedy starring Groucho as Professor Wagstaff (2)

P.   Christian sacrament

Q.   Took stock of again

R.   Form of COPD

S.   Our author: "Although golf was originally restricted
to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it`s open to ___" (5)

T.   The ___ crisis of the 1980s and 1990s (3)

U.   Date of Spain`s National Day (2)

V.   Best Director Oscar winner for "Ghandi" (2)

W.   "A Horse Is a Horse," e.g. (2)

X.   Was more important

Y.   Rare (4)

Z.   Best Supporting Actress Oscar winner, 1939 (2)

AA.   Certain connector

AB.   Sybil Fawlty: "Excuse my husband`s ___ wit." (hyph)

AC.   "___: The Essential Wagner Collection" (4)

AD.   Jut

AE.   Bluster

AF.   Cohan biopic, 1942 (3)

AG.   Eatery decorated with didgeridoos (2)

AH.   Start of a three-word caveat

AI.   Compliant

AJ.   Emulated a certain wolf

AK.   "Wait, I prithee, till I come/Within ___ of thy
hum" (Emerson, "The Humble-Bee")

AL.   Link on the Department of Labor`s homepage (2)

AM.   All or ___

AN.   Collapse inwardly

AO.   December 26, 2004, headline

AP.   Gushed

AQ.   First R-rated Disney film (1986, Nick Nolte) (6)

AR.   The ISO`s CH

AS.   Length of Ingemar Johansson`s reign as World Heavyweight
Champion (2)

AT.   Length of Anne Boleyn`s reign, per Maxwell Anderson

AU.   Timely Oscar-nominated war film (x4) starring Gregory
Peck, 1949 (3)

AV.   Dropsy

AW.   SNL`s Molly ___