Hero Worship--2

by Judy Miller


A.   Tears

B.   Groundless

C.   Brighton bumper car

D.   Patsy Cline favorite (it`s a story as old as Adam
and Eve) (10)

E.   Kandinsky`s "Composition X," e.g. (2)

F.   Focus of Oaxaca`s "La Noche de los Rabanos"

G.   Carpenter`s groove

H.   Grovel

I.   Killed (as a vaccine)

J.   Pledge seeker (2)

K.   Like some illnesses (hyph)

L.   Part of a magic spell

M.   Made unavoidable

N.   Deep cut

O.   Danny Lopez and Tom "Boom Boom" Johnson, e.g.

P.   "Like rabbits in their burrows, the little ___ sleep
with at least one eye open." (Jacob Riis)

Q.   Easily solved (hyph)

R.   Mariah`s nickname

S.   Flighty

T.   Jonathan Safran Foer`s "___ Is Illuminated"

U.   Ophthalmologist`s diagnosis

V.   Use a flail

W.   Powered down

X.   Started to ko-ko-bop?

Y.   Former

Z.   Part of some ER teams

AA.   Secret (hyph)

AB.   Common childhood ailment (2)

AC.   Surpasses

AD.   Nepali-born Samrat Upadhyay`s "Arresting God in ___"

AE.   Unfair

AF.   Poetic preposition

AG.   Emerson re John Brown: "He will make the ___ holy
as the cross."

AH.   Part of orthomolecular medicine`s arsenal

AI.   Bronchodilators, e.g. (2)

AJ.   UAW leader Walter ___

AK.   Jet Ski manufacturer

AL.   Setting for the premiere of Handel`s "Water Music"

AM.   James Stovall`s "Journalism: ___" (7)

AN.   T.S. Eliot`s "conversion poem" (2)

AO.   Someone labeled "I" by Myers-Briggs

AP.   Frequently frustrating response at many a congressional
probe (5)