The Point of No Return--1

by Judy Miller


A.   Benevolence

B.   Done for

C.   "Cook`s Illustrated" affiliate (3)

D.   Subject for Longfellow

E.   Marianne Faithfull`s first major release, written
by Jagger and Richards (4)

F.   In a precise manner

G.   Home of Doctor Who`s UNified Intelligence Taskforce

H.   See puzzle title

I.   Stuffed pastry

J.   Expression of affection

K.   Puppet in "The Sound of Music" (2)

L.   GS-5, e.g. (2, 1 hyph)

M.   Disposed (to)

N.   Reprehensible

O.   Home of NASA`s Dryden Flight Research Center (4)

P.   Made a connection (2)

Q.   Its third edition has an estimated date of completion
of 2037 (3)

R.   Diverted

S.   "Boss" ___

T.   "___: Inside the World of the Supermodels"

U.   Palacio San Jose, e.g.

V.   Children`s guessing game (6)

W.   Counselor`s words (2)

X.   Ferrante and Teicher`s specialty

Y.   Personally selected

Z.   Heist target (2)

AA.   "I forgot all about it. ___." (6)

AB.   E.B. White`s Fred, e.g.

AC.   1952 Nobel Peace Prize winner (2)

AD.   Signaled, in a way

AE.   Ardent enthusiast

AF.   PowerPoint predecessor (2)

AG.   Bacharach and David`s "Twenty Four Hours from ___"

AH.   Bed warmer (3)

AI.   Six-time Grammy-winning band founded by Maurice
White (4)

AJ.   Home of Benazir Bhutto International Airport

AK.   National Toy Hall of Fame inductee, 2006 (2, 1 hyph)

AL.   Administered a DNA test

AM.   Emulate Mickey Mantle (2)

AN.   "___, or be forever fall`n" (Milton) (2)

AO.   Shania`s "Best Country Song" of 1999 (4)

AP.   Impediment (2)