The Point of No Return--2

by Judy Miller


A.   Birthplace of Christopher Columbus

B.   Bridget in 2001 and 2004

C.   Inter

D.   Head of DHEW, DOD, and Justice, all in 1973 (2)

E.   Small tree-climber

F.   Witch`s words: "___, and toe of frog" (3)

G.   Erstwhile kitchen tool (2)

H.   Broadway`s "No, No" girl

I.   Reddish brown

J.   Dismissal (hyph)

K.   Dunk

L.   Thomas Hobbes` "___," 1651

M.   Dame ___ du Maurier

N.   Infidel

O.   Nursery rhyme enumeration about magpies (6)

P.   "For the Lord God ___ reigneth" (Revelation)

Q.   Focus of chapter XVIII of Emily Post`s "Etiquette,"

R.   Jughead`s best friend

S.   Surgeon`s tool

T.   Clear

U.   Under

V.   Words in a realtor`s ad (2)

W.   Expressed admiration (3)

X.   Feature of many websites (2)

Y.   Observe a mourning ritual (2)

Z.   Fasten

AA.   Africa`s "Land of a Thousand Hills"

AB.   Bert Parks, e.g.

AC.   1971 hit for the Stylistics (4)

AD.   1969 hit for the Dells (4)

AE.   Not for attribution (hyph)

AF.   Danish philosopher and theologian

AG.   Dodge

AH.   "How rude!" (4)

AI.   Vest pocket contents, sometimes

AJ.   Our beginning and end?

AK.   Former Piston point guard and 2000 Hall of Fame
inductee (2)

AL.   Gap-year activity for some

AM.   "Alligator Wrestling and You: An ___ Guide to an
Impossible Sport"

AN.   Lack of sophistication

AO.   Essential oil used in perfumery (3)

AP.   Nursery rhyme Welshman

AQ.   "The hard part`s over. ___" (5)

AR.   With AS, Berkshire Hathaway`s home

AS.   See AR