A Complete Man--1

by Judy Miller


A.   Chewy treat

B.   Arctic explorer Matthew

C.   Missing (hyph)

D.   Part of an official countdown

E.   Current trend

F.   Make mayonnaise, e.g.

G.   Newspaper headline: "Cold Case ___"

H.   Short odds (3)

I.   Guide (hyph)

J.   Factor considered by nominators

K.   Offensively conspicuous

L.   Like times for lower rates (hyph)

M.   New England menu favorite (2)

N.   Having a deformity of the legs

O.   Like George Strait`s #1 hit property in Arizona,
1986 ("and now if you`ll buy that...") (2)

P.   Sudsy to the max

Q.   "The Truth Is Out There" series (2, 1 hyph)

R.   Indecisive (hyph)

S.   Part of a San Francisco walking tour (with "The")

T.   Divergent

U.   Gazpacho ingredient

V.   Elton John hit recording featuring Stevie Wonder
on the harmonica, 1983 (9)

W.   Revelation topic

X.   Attractive

Y.   Bruise

Z.   Grouchy

AA.   Manicurist`s tool (2)

AB.   As a rule

AC.   Wrecked

AD.   Foolish

AE.   Sand and varnish, e.g.

AF.   #1 hit lyrics for the Righteous Brothers, 1966 (7)

AG.   Keenly observant (hyph)

AH.   Complete power

AI.   Rodney Mullen`s favorite mode of transport

AJ.   Our author: "I am not a cat man, but a dog man,
and all felines can tell this ___" (7)

AK.   Our author on his writing (8)

AL.   Reserved