A Complete Man--3

by Judy Miller


A.   With O and AC, our author on life and the passage
of time (9)

B.   Haggard (hyph)

C.   Not sanitary

D.   Dock tie-up

E.   Massacre (2)

F.   "Pomp and Circumstance" composer (2)

G.   Overdid the edits

H.   Make-up artist`s supply

I.   Emulated Marian the Librarian

J.   Embarrassed or bashful

K.   Galbraith`s "The ___ Society"

L.   Inexpensive lodgings (2)

M.   "The Songs of ___: Poems from a Post Apartheid South

N.   Like some duties

O.   See A (6)

P.   Wanderer`s words (3)

Q.   Useful

R.   Good Dog Carl, e.g.

S.   Like some motor neurons

T.   "Friendship is the breathing rose, with ___ in every
fold" (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

U.   Abnormal

V.   Vulgar

W.   The ___ Hall of Fame, in Holyoke, Massachusetts

X.   Book on tape, e.g.

Y.   Coup de grĂ¢ce, e.g. (2)

Z.   How some Aesop characters end up

AA.   Occupational therapist`s workplace option (2)

AB.   A dot gov

AC.   See A (6)

AD.   Disappoint (2)

AE.   Like some moments