A Lost Ideal

by Judy Miller


A.   Insistent

B.   NYC mayor 1966-73

C.   Part of our "second brain"

D.   Louisiana`s "Boozoo" Chavis, "King of ___"

E.   Reverberations

F.   Certain (6)

G.   Gertrude Stein, for example, for much of her life

H.   Consequently

I.   Countertop water heater (2)

J.   "Silently as a dream the fabric rose, no sound of
___ or of saw was there" (Cowper)

K.   Spongy

L.   Renaissance

M.   Giving great pleasure

N.   Second-highest-grossing film of 1988, starring Bob
Hoskins as Eddie Valiant, PI (4)

O.   Family-style restaurant chain "Maggiano`s Little ___"

P.   Registered (2)

Q.   Focus of the book "Something for Nothing"

R.   Border of the Northern Temperate Zone (2)

S.   Remnants

T.   Term popularized by Alvin Toffler in "Future Shock"

U.   Light and airy

V.   Result of the dandy roll process

W.   Fringes

X.   Swift`s "food of fools"

Y.   The City of ___, at the southern end of the Cascades

Z.   Like some beiges

AA.   1943 Best Picture nominee, based on a novel by Walter
Van Tilburg Clark (2, 1 hyph, with "The")

AB.   Shelfmates: knife and ___

AC.   Shelfmates: preserves and ___ (2)

AD.   Grows more serious or intense

AE.   Oneida alloy (2)

AF.   Feel extreme stress (2)

AG.   Title location of Louis Malle`s 1981 Oscar-nominated
film (2)

AH.   Rabbinical academy

AI.   Supports for a portable work table

AJ.   1949 Best Music winner starring Gene Kelly and Frank
Sinatra (3)

AK.   Yes, we have "them" (2)

AL.   Abattoir

AM.   Visual oddities (2)

AN.   Sometime ingredient of AC

AO.   Ken Russell`s 1966 BBC-TV film subtitled "The Biggest
Dancer in the World" (2)

AP.   Common movement disorder (2)

AQ.   Dance craze of 1962 (3)

AR.   Title role for Henry Fonda, 1939 (3)