The Heartland--2

by Judy Miller


A.   Like laminated glass

B.   Snickerdoodles, e.g.

C.   Afro-Eurasia, essentially (2)

D.   Jeffrey Archer novel based on the lives of media
giants Robert Maxwell and Rupert Murdoch (3)

E.   Holder of the "burping seal" patent

F.   "Visions of glory, spare my aching ___!" (Thomas

G.   With Italy, home of the Stubai Alps

H.   Arctic predator, and prey

I.   Closer to sleep

J.   Creator of Ethan Frome (2)

K.   Creator of Charlie, James, and Matilda (2)

L.   Perceived only vaguely

M.   Author of "The Souls of Black Folk," 1903 (4)

N.   Lots, whether needed or not (5)

O.   MSW`s job title, often

P.   Alter

Q.   "Natural selection works because it is a cumulative
___ to improvement." (Dawkins) (2, 1 hyph)

R.   Winston`s actress daughter (2)

S.   Foolishness (3)

T.   Hit for the Fifth Dimension written by Burt Bacharach
and Hal David in 1967 (5)

U.   Hit for Elvis written by Buffy Sainte-Marie in 1965
("And here we`ll stay...") (7)

V.   "Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates" (2)

W.   River`s source

X.   Fabric decoration

Y.   Prehistoric artifact

Z.   ___ Island, home of the Lost Colony, circa 1585

AA.   Best Picture, 1996, starring Best Actress Juliette
Binoche (3)

AB.   South Wales hometown of Dylan Thomas and Catherine
Zeta Jones

AC.   Oscar-winning film starring Jeanne Crain, Ann Sothern,
and Linda Darnell, 1949 (5)

AD.   Beginner

AE.   Bring down

AF.   Emperor of Japan, 1926-1989

AG.   With Vince Vaughn, a 2005 wedding crasher (2)

AH.   Predict

AI.   Some are lined with sound-deadening material

AJ.   First novel in Trollope`s "Chronicles of Barsetshire"

AK.   Best Director nominee for "Laura," 1944 (2)

AL.   Early job for Anthony Bourdain

AM.   Words attributed to Oscar Wilde as he passed through
customs, 1882 (8)

AN.   Strenuous effort (2)