Dream Machine

by Judy Miller


A.   Stones lyrics, 1968: "I`m just trying to do my ___
before it rains anymore" (2, 1 hyph)

B.   Fierce attack

C.   Fabled sailor

D.   Swiss Miss offering (2)

E.   U of I locale

F.   Island chain

G.   "___: Master of the Portrait"

H.   Hearty soup base

I.   Taunted

J.   Women`s Olympic Track & Field event since 1984

K.   Like some finishes

L.   Dr. Evil gesture (2)

M.   Some finishes (hyph)

N.   Compromise (hyph)

O.   James Caan`s "___ in Plain Sight," 1980

P.   Billie Holiday recording inducted into the Grammy
Hall of Fame in 2005 ("You . . . bring out the gypsy in me") (2)

Q.   Take in

R.   Value of interest to foreign travelers (2)

S.   "___: The Song of Himself" (2)

T.   Spar parts

U.   Oscar and Golden Globe winner for "Moonstruck,"
1987 (2)

V.   Take back

W.   Bellyache

X.   "Masters of Deception: ___, Dali & the Artists of
Optical Illusion"

Y.   Bin

Z.   Unrealistic and impractical

AA.   Clean-up work for the Army Corps of Engineers

AB.   Controversial alloy used in dentistry

AC.   Oscar nominee for Best Original Screenplay for "My
Big Fat Greek Wedding" (2)

AD.   ER protocol

AE.   Lukewarm

AF.   Yuletide greenery

AG.   Draft in Devon

AH.   City on the Loire

AI.   Theme

AJ.   Tag on a dress

AK.   Aristocratic (hyph)

AL.   Doc Watson album whose title track was written by
Jimmie Driftwood ("His eyes were green") (2)

AM.   Distribute, in a way

AN.   PJs, for one

AO.   Like some domes

AP.   Elegy by S, 1865 (7)

AQ.   Symbiotic

AR.   Up-to-date

AS.   "Do good by ___, and blush to find it fame." (Pope)

AT.   Cutting-edge (hyph)

AU.   Unnecessary

AV.   Part of the Great Seal of the U.S. (2)

AW.   "Fulgencio ___: From Revolutionary to Strongman"

AX.   Protective flap at the entrance of the larynx

AY.   Part of college football`s longest-running rivalry