The City

by Judy Miller


A.   Spike Lee, `88, `89: Wake Up and ... (4 wds)

B.   confused

C.   per 2002 film title, it can be personal

D.   dot dot dot

E.   former

F.   chewed

G.   popular card game (2 wds)

H.   indispensible nutrients (3 wds)

I.   Hitchcock classic (2 wds)

J.   golden eight-leggers (2 wds)

K.   bribery sources (2 wds)

L.   a short distance (3 wds)

M.   Dickens hero (2 wds)

N.   a type of trout

O.   East African depression, often with Great (2 wds)

P.   Duvall`s treacherous two-step (2 wds)

Q.   a nobody

R.   chili go-with

S.   strategic land formation, often

T.   author aka Norway

U.   Sad Cafe balladeer (2 wds)

V.   unthought-out

W.   good things in cocoa

X.   strapped (2 wds)

Y.   he played Frodo

Z.   inspiration for Sleepless in Seattle? (4 wds)

AA.   here to there and back x 2 (2 wds)

AB.   colorful pasta lookalike for knitters

AC.   reformatories (Brit)

AD.   Lear flatware? (2 wds)

AE.   affiliation

AF.   endeavors

AG.   stop (var)

AH.   arctic accommodations (2 wds)

AI.   small avian tree-climbers

AJ.   130-year-old soda (2 wds)

AK.   cricket bats

AL.   different

AM.   well-known drummer

AN.   is acquainted with