Unimaginable Realms

by Judy Miller

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A.   Dickens miser

B.   outshine

C.   renovate the hood

D.   nightcrawler

E.   knickknack

F.   incendiary

G.   a way to be afraid

H.   botanist befriended by Elliott, Michael, and Gertie,
1982 (more than 1 wd)

I.   type of bomber

J.   qualm

K.   permeate

L.   blue

M.   slander

N.   means of tax evasion

O.   CDC journal (3 wds)

P.   devious

Q.   avoid

R.   marimba

S.   enlisted rank in the U.S. Navy (3 wds)

T.   type of boot (hyph)

U.   overabundance (4 wds)

V.   Tour de France pack

W.   Mel Torme hit (by Mel Blanc?) (2 wds)

X.   Donald Rumsfeld and Michael Moore, e.g. (2 wds)

Y.   jittery

Z.   Lady with the Lamp

AA.   unconquerable

AB.   void

AC.   opening

AD.   smuggler of illegal immigrants

AE.   medieval weapon

AF.   blood bank procedure

AG.   beat

AH.   Kipling`s birthplace

AI.   informative

AJ.   severe anemia in a newborn, caused by Rh incompatibility
(with "fetalis")

AK.   frustrate

AL.   part of the pashmina craze

AM.   "He remains an ___!" (not a Roosian, French, or

AN.   type of cosmetic surgery

AO.   like some journalists

AP.   matchless chocolate?

AQ.   radical Reformation group

AR.   help from above (2 wds)

AS.   one of five