In Memoriam

by Judy Miller


A.   Family reunion greeting (2)

B.   Chopper

C.   Currently

D.   Differentiate

E.   Ron Howard`s 1999 "reality" film

F.   Courageous

G.   Tax relief, often

H.   Most babies are born this way

I.   Trenchency

J.   Peter, Paul, and Mary boundary (2)

K.   Grimm straw spinner

L.   Simple response (4)

M.   Initial

N.   Ruinously

O.   Spot`s "thumb"

P.   Fastest worker, often (4)

Q.   Canadian folk singer/composer

R.   Collapsed

S.   Popular game show 1956-68 and beyond (4)

T.   Pine

U.   "Best Rock and Roll Song" of 1965

V.   Fearful

W.   Silently

X.   Lower

Y.   Sashimi ingredient, often (2)

Z.   Grief-stricken

AA.   Worn out

AB.   John Cleese`s 1988 hit comedy (4)

AC.   Delaying words (2)

AD.   Author of the next clue

AE.   Novella that inspired Coppola`s "Apocalypse Now" (3)

AF.   Many a Nancy Drew fan

AG.   Outcome

AH.   Go over

AI.   Inherent

AJ.   Dafoe`s True Born ____

AK.   Strong exertion

AL.   Sacred

AM.   Hopeless

AN.   Unhappy (hyph)

AO.   Presage

AP.   Spanky`s sidekick

AQ.   Afterward

AR.   Mesta, for example

AS.   Wrap

AT.   Ease