Puzzle #113

by Jim Sherman


A.   Tediously iterative

B.   Stonehenge or Medicine Wheel, e.g.

C.   Wheaties slogan (3 wds, with "The")

D.   Shuns

E.   A Brothers Grimm fairy tale

F.   At close quarters (hyph)

G.   New York City neighborhood now known as Clinton
(2 wds)

H.   History of linguistic forms

I.   The first of the major Hebrew prophets

J.   "Knots Landing" and "Desperate Housewives" star
(2 wds)

K.   "______ cast the first stone" (6 wds)

L.   Passed away, e.g.

M.   Rainbowlike play of color

N.   Boston suburb

O.   A small carved or molded figure

P.   Cooking program that debuted in 1962 (3 wds)

Q.   Stephen King pseudonym (2 wds)

R.   Fibrous mineral

S.   Bride and groom

T.   Emphasize visually

U.   Joyful

V.   Lucille Ball, e.g.

W.   Outcast

X.   Nick Nolte movie (3 wds)

Y.   Approximately; concerning

Z.   Shakespeare: "The devil can cite ____" (4 wds)

AA.   Johnny Cash`s epithet (4 wds)

AB.   Circular window filled with tracery

AC.   5th-century foe of the Roman Empire (3 wds)

AD.   Points where the orbit of a planet or comet intersect
the ecliptic

AE.   Heroine of a 1765 children`s story (2 wds, 1 hyph)

AF.   In a successful manner

AG.   TV show without any human actors (4 wds)

AH.   Speed

AI.   Vexatious

AJ.   Thoroughly wet