Cryptic Puzzle #24

by Jim Sherman


A.   Rope-skipping woman provides a bit of entertainment

B.   A director may do this to horse around (7)

C.   Nonsense loudly made (7)

D.   Large island in the Nile (11)

E.   Understatement in kid sports stories (7)

F.   Teary arrangement of my chorales (10)

G.   Mortality is in the final blow (9)

H.   A measure of power ought to be returned to Native
Americans (6)

I.   What one with hopeful insight could have at the
outset (5)

J.   Like an acrobat skilled on the web? (7)

K.   Penetrating quizmaster is keeping an indication
of doubt (8)

L.   Teens going crazy about UK and Japanese ornament (7)

M.   Bring into service a maid at the start of Easter (11)

N.   Put a bit of work into creative theories or else (9)

O.   Smooth outfit (7)

P.   Circle dance in Texas`s midsection (6)

Q.   Wealthy, fashionable people love getting desire
back (2,3,5)

R.   Patriarchal icon wandering without a ray of hope (6)

S.   Kaleidoscope displaying a floral design (3)

T.   Musicians roar drunkenly over a bust (9)

U.   Scribe`s setting directions to weigh anchor (8)

V.   Cheap date`s trouble with dress (5,5)

W.   In her opus, somehow he went to hell and back (7)

X.   Staff banker, perhaps? (10)

Y.   Coming into a small quantity is one`s shot (9)

Z.   Nonexistence is a complicated problem reportedly (6)

AA.   Divine sleep without a bit of restlessness (5)

AB.   Post office hiding sexy picture (5)

AC.   Sensitive one as nervous as the French and English

AD.   Others confused at switch (8)

AE.   Theory encompassing additional line on a map (8)

AF.   Take advantage of small hands (5)