Puzzle #167

by Jim Sherman


A.   Early Beatles hit (3 wds)

B.   Naval passage

C.   Track and field Olympic gold-medalist (2 wds)

D.   Idle talk

E.   Shakespeare play (4 wds)

F.   Mickey Mantle, e. g. (2 wds)

G.   Right

H.   At a loss for words

I.   Code name for the raid on Entebbe (2 wds)

J.   Poetry

K.   Eject

L.   Lap dog (4 wds)

M.   Joint disorder

N.   Science class (2 wds)

O.   "____________, how did you enjoy the play?" (5 wds)

P.   She played Lola on stage and screen (2 wds)

Q.   "Nothing comes from nothing," according to Lucretius
(4 wds)

R.   Foothold

S.   Vigorous

T.   Fairy tale, TV show, or Disney movie (4 wds)

U.   Underwear

V.   Biannually (3 wds)

W.   Hobbes book

X.   Augmentation

Y.   Hasenpfeffer (2 wds)

Z.   Battle-worn (hyph)

AA.   Roads, large and small (3 wds)

AB.   "We hang the petty thieves and __________" (Aesop,
7 wds)

AC.   Swindle

AD.   Hanukkah (3 wds)

AE.   Rubber quality

AF.   Thoughtful