They were sorry they asked

by Kenneth Luker


A.   Twenty - Twenty, usually

B.   There`s nothing halfway about this philosophy

C.   Doctrinal papal attribute

D.   Abundantly or thickly

E.   Railing or bulwark

F.   Lowest castes?

G.   Impenetrable

H.   Hold on, there!

I.   Shackleton`s craft

J.   Kind of scholar

K.   Twitch about

L.   Childsplay, of a sort

M.   Picard`s command

N.   Early cycle

O.   Unpredictable, usually

P.   Chuckles or rejoices to ones self

Q.   "If you don`t, you`re at the mercy of ----- --- --!"

R.   As an alternative

S.   Schumann`s Symphony No. 3, for example

T.   Coroner`s trial

U.   Long trail in eastern U.S.

V.   This holds a place in British math

W.   Species subdivided as Cedar or Bohemian

X.   Priestley/Scheele discovery

Y.   Prepare for gluing

Z.   Abundantly or thickly growing

AA.   Walt Whitman Bridge crosses it