Top Secret

by Kenneth Luker


A.   Dumbing down

B.   Vulnerable in the extreme

C.   According to algebraic rule, for example

D.   First line of medieval defense

E.   Only here

F.   Cunard holding

G.   Renoir, Manet, Cassatt or Degas, for example

H.   Primitive, uncivilized, apish

I.   At the local political level

J.   Organic enlargement

K.   New Zealand Document of 1840

L.   Lincoln sobriquet

M.   Prime sieve inventor

N.   Logic type

O.   Belshazzar, Esther or Hercules

P.   Vigil of a sort

Q.   "The Death of ------ Till" (Dylan)

R.   Starts up, of late

S.   Holding

T.   Wilbur`s younger sib

U.   Spartacus` composer