Damn lipogram!

by Kenneth Luker

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A.   Inscrutability

B.   Either handed

C.   Absence of mercy

D.   Asylum (slang)

E.   Simple tune

F.   Empathy

G.   Past longing

H.   Price for a red-eye? (3 words)

I.   Bubbles

J.   Beacon

K.   Not abeam

L.   Locker-room sanitation problem (2 words)

M.   Wesleyan

N.   Blackfin of Antarctica

O.   Advertising claim made for housepaint, perhaps

P.   Prospero to Caliban: " - - from my presence..."
(2 words)

Q.   Without chemical assistance

R.   Bird of the genus Strix (2 words)

S.   Light writing, literally

T.   Mendeleev`s masterwork (2 words)

U.   Luther (early on), or Mendel, e.g.