
by Kenneth Luker

When the break-up preceded the falling-out


A.   Petula`s panacea?

B.   Admission

C.   Egocentric in the extreme

D.   Unfairness

E.   Resisting solution

F.   These are passed on gladly

G.   Way back then

H.   High vantage point

I.   Rendering in rhyme

J.   He penned "The Wind Among the Reeds"

K.   Forte of P. T. Barnum

L.   Laryngologist

M.   Kind of speech

N.   In preference to

O.   Oligarchy, usually

P.   Leavening packets

Q.   Evanston, Illinois

R.   Adamant

S.   Reef observatories

T.   Occasion for a masked ball

U.   "When he has attained the - - - - - unto the ladder
turns his back..."