Out in the Country

by Kenneth Luker


A.   Made less clear

B.   On again, off again

C.   Bite aggressively

D.   Dealt with in a circumspect manner (2 wds)

E.   Moray`s ancestor on the Ark? (2 wds)

F.   Changed over time

G.   Milton`s charge to an angel, in Lycidas (2 wds)

H.   Became dis-enamored (4 wds)

I.   Calgary, at times (2 wds)

J.   Arrest

K.   Immature, perhaps

L.   Extreme Makeover product (2 wds)

M.   Die-cast collectibles (2 wds)

N.   Really trying

O.   The skill of being artfully nimble

P.   Nuns, e.g. (2 wds)

Q.   Attribute of models or NBA stars (2 wds)

R.   Solitary rapper?

S.   Farthest from the top

T.   Grave molester