A plea for a new look at man`s priorities.......

by Martyn Crosby

Labyrinthine@aol.com CLICK HERE FIRST


A.   Reform Rhodes or him; they make piles! (11)

B.   Middle of European circle starts losing hundred,
ends giving up 250, followed by headless henchmen (tight, initially) in fortified position (12)

C.   China, Japan hide family of snakes (4)

D.   One who faces one way while moving resolutely in
the opposite direction (5)

E.   Ivy replanted in those Rabbinical colleges (8)

F.   Writs reissued joining radius and carpal (5)

G.   Churches` sad rededication to Austrian Princess (11)

H.   Reorganized or wed to get wife`s money (5)

I.   We sort out Scottish shoemaker (6)

J.   Sounds like decision needed on pack to follow searching
out dissenters (5-4)

K.   Tutors etch out and extend (10)

L.   Female horse turns for a packet of paper (4)

M.   Wrote badly regarding tall building (5)

N.   Echo stays, hiding entertainer (4)

O.   Royal awning cut down provides material for making
handkerchiefs (4)

P.   Score, changing at Rochester (11)

Q.   Kimono designed to camouflage central point (4)

R.   Ends changing rant to assent (5)

S.   Wolf out to get chicken (4)

T.   Fresh canine disturbances permit vote (11)

U.   No Cornish chinless wonders upset by obscenity (8)

V.   Let roads twist to find guiding light (8)

W.   Turn out Urdu rifleman, common acquaintance in Dickens
novel (3,6,6)

X.   Deathwatch fulcrums centrally vigilant (8)

Y.   See AG

Z.   Hit sermon reforms tall perennial (9)

AA.   Rearranged Amish tunes arouse exuberant reaction (10)

AB.   Hardening of the arteries results from disturbed
socialite`s errors (16)

AC.   Trio, upset, produce disturbance (4)

AD.   Spoken Arab (4)

AE.   Upset, he raped me, leaving aside 500, just for
a day (8)

AF.   Sinew twice stripped down salamander (4)

AG.   Stick around to start a hymn while darkness is
coming in (5,4,2,4,5,3,8,3,8,7) (With Y)

AH.   Call on donor, dig up capital (6)