Resignation is the order of the day

by Martyn Crosby CLICK HERE FIRST

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A.   Lowly 250 turn around showing no courage (6)

B.   "Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair"; Nazis
may do, wildly (10)

C.   Uncurl US opus reassembled without regard to ethical
considerations (12)

D.   Improvers rip away to accompany Parkinsonian sufferers,
it seems (6)

E.   Establish in animal´s home (7)

F.   Bet on wild target (4)

G.   Annoy persistently when Sarah backs up, slowly initially

H.   Pasta mixed in cloths of mulberry bark (5)

I.   Confidentially (Nell not excluded) about to make
sour (7)

J.   Dressing University College in middle of a turbulent
sea (5)

K.   Brawl at heart about a more serious confrontation (3)

L.   Regressive, rive apart, but find a way out (6)

M.   Cutting out externals, plod gingerly towards temporary
housing (7)

N.   Whole affair contained one sheet (4)

O.   Persistently desire hand signal for radio transmission

P.   Interrupts, when nest is removed, to make an unexpected
entrance (6)

Q.   Self-replicating organism in Triumvir usually infectious

R.   Earth-bound antipodeans camouflaged seem useless (4)