A eulogy to constancy

by Martyn Crosby

Labyrinthine@aol.com CLICK HERE FIRST

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A.   Keeps an eye on timepieces (7)

B.   Make up in chain ventures (6)

C.   First evidence of a possible solution from tenth
defaulting helot then reformed (5,2,3,3,2,3,6)

D.   Soil is turned around bid for manifestations of
sexual drive (7)

E.   Disapprove vehemently of natural logarithmic base
hiving off (7)

F.   Motion causes current when clueless cauliflower
gets chopped up (7)

G.   Roll, beheaded, in odorous secretion for seafood (7)

H.   Ego in Hades` elfins (4)

I.   Ace Theosophists change when spies leave (7)

J.   Due age, we mix herbal remedy (8)

K.   Camelot companions disturbed kind, noble afterthoughts

L.   Eliminating extremes, begged with reconstituted
albumin (3-5)

M.   Scientific institution mansions hit wildly (11)

N.   Park hot chickenfeed about wiper (6,12)

O.   Those revised values of culture (5)

P.   Vitiate mixture after originator becomes highly
reliable (13)

Q.   Rhesus factor before headless bomb takes on geometric
shape briefly (5)

R.   Neurosurgeon without gun reorganizes, is nevertheless
wrong (9)

S.   Enjoyed being included in chili kedgeree (5)

T.   Rent I`m changing in exaction when 100 quit annihilation

U.   Wet, stir up Middle-West meteorological phenomenon

V.   Re needy ambulance chaser: low-fat mix recommended
for Christian selection process (4,3,6,3,3,3,6)

W.   Hornet disturbed in end invested with sovereign
power (9)

X.   Ran back before row, inclined to end in Scots lake,
demonstrating lack of tolerance (6-10)

Y.   If removed, fishhooks can be twisted in Wisconsin (7)

Z.   Small drum for piper`s son (3-3)

AA.   South African ghetto shown around in tip (8)

AB.   Zoom photography hides sex appeal (5)

AC.   Worth rewarding for hiding how propelled (5)

AD.   I rove around after marijuana and become vegetarian

AE.   Developed, but overdevelops without prose in troubled
fashion (7)

AF.   Rain-carrying wind on moons is transformed (7)

AG.   American astrophysicist heads monastery (5)

AH.   Shark I chop up in dissolute fashion (6)

AI.   Restive about reversing a rot is tonic (11)

AJ.   So removed, revision redesigns city in Orange County,
California (6)

AK.   Go crazy, Malay style, when hidden by reversing
Turkoman (4)

AL.   Merry garden dug up to alter boundaries when Massachusetts
governor cut off lizard`s head (11)

AM.   Poison, and confusedly moan even without article (7)

AN.   Inverse Soviet reforms, being exceptionally touchy

AO.   Musty and stale though it be, serfs tow it around

AP.   Outwardly trite vans set about for cross-dresser (12)

AQ.   Clamp in red surroundings is modified (7)

AR.   Irritated, nervous pen is not reacting (12)

AS.   Septet I`m reorchestrating is most lacking in substance

AT.   Note feathers reduce price (4-4)

AU.   Reform so idle Wagner heroine (6)

AV.   Self important person points (4)

AW.   National representative changing amid plot (8)

AX.   Fire at new growth (5)